Gratitude (Spiritual Tool #4)

Life can be busy, and from my experience, this busyness can sometimes lead us off track, especially with regard to spirituality. Perhaps we stop meditating regularly, forget the daily spiritual text we normally read, or neglect to take conscious breaths. Suddenly we find ourselves being reactive instead of proactive, jumping to judgment or defensiveness more quickly, and generally feeling a sense of disconnect—from ourselves, our friends and family, our environment, and our sense of something greater. Getting off track is normal, so there’s no need to be upset with ourselves when it happens (relinquish perfectionism, remember?). However, it’s also not a comfortable place to be, so it’s helpful to have tools that let us jumpstart that return to Connectedness, spirituality, and love.

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Conscious Breathing (Spiritual Tool #1)


My goal for this blog is to share spiritual tools that I have discovered and am continuing to discover through my research and personal seeking. To begin, I am writing about the tool I see as foundational for all other spiritual tools: conscious breathing. (Interestingly, something I did not realize before researching for this blog post, is that the term spirituality is actually derived from the Latin word spiritus, which means breath![i])

Breathing is directly tied to our existence (we need to breathe to stay alive), it is a simple tool (inhale, exhale, repeat), and it can be used anywhere (except underwater or in space without the right equipment 😉 ). Feeling nervous at the dentist? Breathe. Getting tired while exercising? Breathe. Feeling annoyed with your partner? Breathe. Wanting to savor a precious moment? Breathe.

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